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Below you will find an answer to a number of frequently asked questions. You don’t find an answer to your question? Please contact

Does an operator have the right to install fibre on a façade?

Sharing fibre infrastructure

For a customer it may be interesting to have a choice between various providers for his broadband connection. An optical fibre network can be shared between different operators: to that end the operator who rolls out the optical fibre network has to grant other operators access to his network. Sometimes he is forced to do so (by the BIPT for instance), but the operator can also voluntarily conclude commercial contracts with other operators.

Apartment building owners, syndics and property developers

Image Rights and obligations apartment building

This page describes what is important for apartment building owners, syndics and property developers to know when FTTH is rolled out in their street (if it is next to their apartment building) and regarding in-building connections. A summary is also given of the existing obligations when you are planning to construct a new house or want to carry out a (considerable) renovation.