Fibre roll-out falls within various jurisdictions, both local and regional. This page gives an overview of the competent authorities or organisations involved, but it is by no means exhaustive.
As for the local competences and permits the local town council and/or the police should be contacted.
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The Broadband Competent Office informs Belgian stakeholders (companies, governments and citizens) about the roll-out of broadband in Belgium and can take on a coordinating role in this regard as well. |
BIPT or Belgian Institute for Postal services and Telecommunications |
The BIPT is the Belgian telecom regulator. Every operator has to notify the BIPT, see the page for new operators on the BIPT website. Apart from that the BIPT also treats disputes among operators and disputes about access to physical in-building infrastructure (within the framework of the BCRD). |
KLIM / CICC is the Federal Cable and Pipeline Management Database. |
The Office of the Telecommunications Ombudsman treats complaints made by customers about their telecom operator, if they have not been able to agree on a satisfactory solution directly with the telecom provider. |
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The "Agentschap Wegen en Verkeer” is the road maintenance authority for motorways and regional roads in the Flemish Region. |
The “Departement Omgeving” is in charge of environmental policy at the Flemish level and treats the building and operating permits. |
“Informatie Vlaanderen” supports authorities in Flanders in digitising their service. This agency is responsible for KLIP and GIPOD, respectively “Kabel- en Leidinginformatieportaal” (Cable and Pipeline Information Portal) and the “Generiek Informatieplatform Openbaar Domein” (Generic Information Platform Public Domain). |
Vlaamse Geschillencommissie (Flemish Dispute Commission) |
The “Vlaamse Geschillencommissie” deals with disputes relating to the implementation of the BCRD in the Flemish Region. |
Vlaamse Vereniging van Steden en Gemeenten (VVSG) (Flemish Association of Cities and Municipalities |
The VVSG is the organisation associating all 300 Flemish cities and municipalities. |
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AdN is part of the digital strategy of the Walloon Region, Digital Wallonia. AdN develops and implements the digital strategy, in close cooperation with the Walloon Government, the various public authorities and the stakeholders involved. One of the AdN projects is the Giga Region project, which aims to provide the whole of Wallonia with 1 Gbps connectivity. |
Commission de coordination des chantiers, Comité technique |
Both the commission and the committee implement the provisions of the “Décret des impétrants”. Their tasks are described in this descriptive brochure. |
Département de l'Aménagement du territoire et de l'Urbanisme |
The “Département de l’Aménagement du territoire et de l’Urbanisme” is part of the Walloon public service “Territoire, Logement, Patrimoine, Energie” and is in charge of urban development permits. |
PoWalCo is the “Plateforme Wallon de coordination des chantiers”, an exchange platform for information about works in Wallonia. |
The Walloon public service “Mobilité Infrastructures” is in charge of the permits to occupy the public domain (if regional roads are concerned) and the permits to carry out works, as well as any other provisions regarding works in the vicinity of waterways or roads. |
The UVCW is the organisation associating all Walloon cities and municipalities. |
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Brulocalis or the Association of the City and Municipalities of the Brussels Capital Region (VSGB) is the organisation associating the City of Brussels and the Brussels municipalities. |
Brussels Mobility is the regional public service in charge of the coordination of work sites on the public highway. This is done through the Osiris platform among other things. |
This committee is tasked with coordinating the works in the vicinity of the public highway, both in time and space. It also explains any measures that are required to ensure the mobility of all road users. |
IRISnet offers solutions mainly based on its own fibre infrastructure, in order to develop connectivity in the Brussels Capital Region for public authorities and city services. |
| is the public service supporting the territorial development of the entire Brussels Region as regards town planning. |
Interfederal level
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Dispute settlement body |
The dispute settlement body treats disputes within the framework of the BCRD that relate to access to and transparency regarding physical infrastructure and coordination of and transparency regarding civil works. There are also regional dispute settlement bodies. |