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Content dedicated to the operators


Below you will find an answer to a number of frequently asked questions. You don’t find an answer to your question? Please contact

What rights and obligations do I have as a telecom operator if I want to roll out fibre?

Regulation by the BIPT

The Belgian telecoms market is regulated, the BIPT being the regulatory body. The BIPT performs market analyses in which competition in the market is analysed. When there is insufficient competition, obligations can be imposed on dominant operators, such as the obligation to open up their networks to other operators.

Offer in Belgium

This page gives an overview of the operators registered with the BIPT as providers of fibre services in Belgium. The survey lists the operators who provide (part of) their services by means of fibre, even if the services themselves may vary strongly from operator to operator. In addition, an operator's fibre offer may also depend on the location. The survey contains the following lists: